Journalist Bjørn Nilsen var i 1983 engasjert i å skrive bok om "Kielland". Han kontaktet meg for intervju etter at jeg ble "sparket" som snuleder for "Kielland" det året.

Bjørn Nilsen hadde i sin tid den oppfatning at motivet bak sabotasjen mot "Kielland" var forsikringssvindel. Opplysninger han satt inne med tydet på at Storebrand som leder av forsikringspoolen hadde 17% eierinteresse i riggen, mens Storebrands egen forsikringseksponering etter reassuranse i bl.a. Lloyds var begrenset til 2%.

Hvorvidt kontakten med Bjørn Nilsen og hans tilknytning til AKP-ml ble brukt som grunn for avlytting av min person vites ikke. Personlig er jeg imidlertid av den overbevisning at avlytting/overvåking startet flere år før det, overveiende sannsynlig kort tid etter at jeg ultimo 1979 informerte lederen av "Kostnadsanalysen - Norsk Kontinentalsokkel" adm.dir Johannes Moe om korrupsjonsforhold i Statoil, som refert til i brevet til Økokrim. Jeg anser det som trolig at Johannes Moe informerte videre til oppdragsgiver v/daværende Olje og Energiminister Bjartmar Gjerde, og at Gjerde tok dette videre innad i Arbeiderpartiet med bl.a. styrelederne i Statoil, Jens Chr Hauge og Finn Lied, begge med tilknytning til Forsvaret.
Det er imidlertid ikke usannsynlig ut i fra den viten jeg har i dag at avlytting ble innledet fra det tidspunkt jeg høsten 1978 tilbød meg å bistå Departementet  med  "Kostnadsanalysen".
Et annet sannsynlig tidspunkt er etter min korte samtale med havarikommisjonens tekniske ekspert Torgeir Moan på Fornebu primo april 1980, hvor jeg antydet at kommisjonen måtte være åpen for alle eventualiteter også sabotasje.

Hendelsen som ble avdekket i 1986, når det gjaldt avlytting av mitt kontor i Idungården, hvor det konkret ble avdekket at mine telefoner var koblet til utenforstående linjer, tyder på at det har stått flere ulike instanser bak overvåkingen, i samarbeide, eller hver for seg, og ikke usannsynlig fra ulike tidspunkt. Ut i fra det som senere har kommet frem om "ulovlig/lovlig" overvåking kan tenkes: - LO - E-tjenesten - POT - Andre; herunder "Stay behind" også "Kommunistiske stay behind" med bl.a. personer med relasjoner til Mot Dag, Milorg, og Oswald-gruppen?

Overvåking har skjedd med stor sannsynlighet for misbruk av overskuddsinformasjon, bl.a. vedrørende mine forretningsplaner, oppfinnelser og patenter.
Sannsynligheten for forviklinger og at min person under denne tiden også har vært utsatt for provokasjoner - "fallgruber" i den hensikt å reise tvil om min troverdighet, og/eller sette meg under press, er langt fra utenkelig og underbygges av faktiske forhold hvorav noen enkelthendelser er dokumentert.

Nov 2004 Ole Østlund,

Added on May 2005:
Mr Ostlunds legal advisors in Stavanger in the years of 1978 - to early 1983 where from the lawfirm Helliesen, Middelthon & Maloney. Patrick Maloney and his assistant Eckbo Gamnes where both recruited by Norske Shell A/S in this period of time. Their successor Henning M. Stephansen had previously been engaged by the Court in Drammen.

As to the Consultas case, the case dragged out, and was finally setled out of Court, ref Consultas1.JPG . The judge at Drammen Court handling the matter was Sverre Owren, ref Consultas2.JPG The question could be raised if Swerre Owren and admiral Nils Owren are related. Nils Owren at the time chairman on the Board of Brown & Root Norge A/S, ref ; Falk6.6.htm

Subject to his invention, the "Boprod - concept" Mr. Ostlund had a meeting with Norske Shells research coordinator in Stavanger on September 23rd 1980. Norske Shell's research coordinator at the time was Mr. Roar Rose who apparantly came from FFI, i.e. Norwegian Defense Research Institute (incl. nuclear research), where Finn Lied (prior Minister of Industry and chairman of Statoil after Jens Chr. Hauge) was Director. Refere to the book "The Sabotage against Kielland" published in 1992, top of page 251. The section "Boprod", pages 246-254, illustrates likely links with players of Nov. 1979, who later become involved in "Kielland" and "Irene VI", ref Dag Meier Hansen, who became an employee of Norske Shell, and Terje Hopen who headed up Bergen Enginneering undertaking the design of the buoyancy tanks for the second uprighting of " Kielland" on contract to Kværner Engineering. The tanks which during the critical phase of the uprighting proved to be to small to satisfy the requirement set of 900 tons damage stability (reserveoppdrift).


Dag Meier Hansen were recruited to Norske Shell A/S from NPD (The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate). Meier Hansen was of the first employees of NPD. (Previously employed by the Departement of Industry and its minister Finn Lied?) He was in 1976 heavily involved in the Directorates demand for separate living platforms on the Norwegian Continental Shelf which demand firstly was presented to Mobil as operator on Statfjord (Statfjord B), ref Cost Analysis Norwegian Continental Shelf.

On the Statfjord B platform design, Shell UK had been advocating for revoking the conceptual design layout of the mechanical outfitting of the "utility shaft" on Statfjord A, and replace it with the layout installed on the Brent B and Brent D platforms, which had proved to be lot more cost saving. This was brought up for discussion within the Statfjord licensing group of companies. During this time a change in top management took place within NorskeShell A/S. The Statfjord Group decided to further develop the "Statfjord A utility shaft design" also on Statfjord B. Due to the fire within the utility shaft on Staffjord A during offshore hook up work, it was decided to include two lifts in the Stafjord B utilty shaft design, making the utility shaft even more crowded and packed with installations as pumps and other equipment had to be rearranged, requiring more decks, ventilation ducts and control systems to be addded on resulting in even more manhours and cost expenditures.

It was Dag Meier Hansen, who Manshaus in the Departement of Oil & Energy informed about Mr Ostlunds "Boprod" technology. This took place in November 1979 still when Meier Hansen was employed by NPD, before he was recruited to Norske Shell A/S.

Dag Meier Hansen being a relative of the famous Norwegian boat designer Collin Archer, caught interest in restoration of his ancestors design "Wyvern" and headed up a restoration committee. "Wyvern" was outfitted and masted at Risør Trebåtbyggeri A/S. "Wyvern" where laying at the dock site of Risør Trebåtbyggeri when Mr. Ostlund arrived with his eight metre "Irene VI" in spring 1982. "Irene VI" to be repared and commissioned for participation in the 1983 World Cup regatta on Hankø where also H.M King Olav V was announced to participate with his eight metre "Sira". Included in Mr. Ostlund's thinking was to offer King Olav to sail the modernised "Irene VI" if proved to be a faster boat than "Sira" during trimming on Hankø before the WC races. This never took place as the "Irene VI" project had to be abandonned due to reasons outside Mr. Ostlunds control, ref; Boycot - harrasment .

As a matter of destiny, Mr. Ostlunds father decided to sail his eight metre "Snarken" from Trondheim to Hankø. As such Mr. Ostlund crewed onboard "Snarken" during the 1983 WC event when contact was made with the honorable H.M. King Olav V.

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