FALK NEWSLETTER 02/98 (July 98)

Another submissive Prime Minister? Since newsletter 01/98 FALK International has received letter from the Departement of Justice dated May 18th 1998 stating that no action, nor meeting, is required.

This submissive response substantiates FALK International's view that this case is highly constitutional. How come that Cabinet members from the Christian Democratic Party, among them Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik and Minister of Justice Aud Inger Aure are submissive in this matter violating so many basic standards of the Christian faith and the ten commandments. What are the basis of power of Government byreaucrats and their backplayers?

The Public elected Representatives in the Parliament must take stand in regard to where power shal prevail; in the Parliament protecting the Constitution or among corrupted byreaucrats and their backplayers undermining the Constitution, ref. FALK Newsletter 01/98;

Pressure has to be applied, forcing any submissive Prime Minister and Cabinet to fulfill their obligations. Pressure from other political parties in the Parliament. Pressure from Norwegian public and media. Pressure from outside Norway - 27 UK and 2 US citizens perished in the disaster.

FALK International wants YOU to assist in putting pressure on the Norwegian Cabinet. It is FALK International's position that any Prime Minister has to take proper action or leave office.

Some time ago FALK's president had a discussion with one of his Norwegian contacts who were very concerned about what might be going on. The following scenario was presented as one alternativ scenario for her consideration (in Nowegian):

"Det mulige scenario vi diskuterer er et globalt spill med tre hovedakt›rer
a) internasjonal kapitalisme - de multinasjonale
b) statskapitalisme - kommunistiske og sosialistiske statsideologier
c) de uavhengige - selskaper, individer som søker uavhengighet av a) og b)
Dagens situasjon: a) og b) dominerer c) taper stadig terreng
Årsak: c) er for ressurssvak, rammebetingelsene for c)'s virksomhet fastlegges av a) og b) politikere
Utviklingstendens: c) taper, a) og b) finner hverandre på bekostning av c)
Resultat: tap av personlig frihet og utviklingsmulighet - langsiktig stagnasjon
Vanlig handlingsmønster: "If you can't beat them, join them"
Alternativ: Styrke c)'s mulighet til å overleve (truet art) - vil kreve større prinsippielle endringer i gjeldende norsk politikk - erstatte a) og b) politikere med c) politikere - krever folket i valg - krever et "for c)" politisk program - c) må sikres tilgang til naturressurser og markeder.
Er alternativet reelt utifra "dagens situasjon"? Det er det ikke opp til meg alene å avgjøre - vil kreve en folkevekkelse - avhengig av ressurser - mere forsakelse for de som går i front. Hvem bærer korset? Hvis intet gjøres gjelder "vanlig handlingsmønster". Valget, dersom det er noe valg står da mellom a) og b) hvor a) representerer muligheter på den internasjonale spillebane mens b) begrenses på den nasjonale bane av "partiboka".
Uansett "alternativ" og "valg" er der intet som helliggjør bruk og aksept av barbariske og menneskerettsstridige virkemidler for fremming av egne interesser.
Ole C. Ostlund, President FALK International.

In 1977 Allistair Maclean wrote the "Sea Witch". The story which is a science fiction novel deals with sabotage against an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico operated by an independent oil company. The novel was published in Norway by Cappelens forlag the same year. Three years later "Kielland" capsizes on the Ekofisk field in the North Sea.

As a result of the six days war in 1967 and Israels occupation of the Egyptian oil fileds in Sinai, Israel became an oil producing country. Norwegian authorities have late June this year issued a warrent for the arrest of prior Mossad agent Mike Harari for his involvement in the "Lillehammer murder" which took place in 1973. It is reported that Mike Harari in later has been acting as a security advisor to the Columbian narcotic cartel.

Witnesses have stated that "Kielland" was used as transit for narcotic trade between Britain and Norway also indicating possible mafia involvement? This scenario involves coalition between communist socialists and gangsters (mafia) as known from Castros Cuba. FBI has reported the mafia to infiltrate legitimate business, ref Newsweek/January 6, 1986 pages 49/50 .
Did Mot-Dagist Haakon Lie and later Gunnar "Kjakan" Sønsteby and Johan Brun during their contacts with union representatives and others in Amerika under and after the 2nd World War make mafia connections ?

Several possible scenarios and combinations of scenarios are at hand including the rumour about Spetnaz. Whatsoever, noone is by the Constitution given the right to cover up and supress an illegal act. Cover up brings about complicity. People in charge (police, criminal investigators, prime prosecutor, state authornies, politicians) have to fulfil their commitments or become accessories.
During his meetings with the honorable King Olav V, FALK's president Ole Ostlund was incourraged that truth had to come forward in the best interest for Norway.


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