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... Programvare Oppdatert:
Dato: 10.05.02

Boot Manager MSTBOOT 4.2 (SIze: 680 KB)
Boot Manager MSTBOOT allows you to access up to 12 operating systems on one hard disk. Numerous wizards assist in installation, and online help is available.

CyberKit 2.5 (Size: 943 KB)
With a true Windows 95 find-files look, CyberKit offers the following functions: Ping, TraceRoute, Finger, WhoIs, Name Server LookUp and Quote Of The Day.

GRIC Dialer
Thank you for choosing GRICdial! Remember that you must have an Internet roaming account activated with a GRIC member ISP to take advantage of the GRICdial Internet dialer. You can find a list of these ISPs through our online ISP Finder.
If your roaming account is configured, proceed to choose the GRICdial version best suited to your operating system and language preference from the selection below. If you have questions, review the information document associated with each dialer product. Availability and support are subject to change without notice